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Updating AJonP's Brand

Updating AJonP's Brand

Posted: 10/10/2019


Another evolution in the AJonP brand has come in the form of standardizing on acceptance. Making the most of neutral (non-stereotyped) colors. Taking a nod from Dev.to and updating AJ’s tag to include a rainbow, as every mascot should have gender neutrality.

First the Technology

If you have not checked out Figma yet please do so right meow! It is so powerful when you can take a component and reuse it throughout your site. Checkout how I can change the eyes in all of these different Logos, just by changing the main component.https://www.youtube.com/embed/IFLQySh-Zb4?autoplay=0&rel=0&showinfo=0&modestbranding=1

AJ’s New Tag

AJ will now be representing more people equally, and that is really important particularly to web development! We want a community that encourages everyone to share and learn together!
